Regardless of how much you tell yourself that the success of a business, program or endeavor isn’t a reflection of your own value or worth, you still feel the sting of disappointment, frustration, sadness, deflation, etc. when it doesn’t succeed at meeting the goal.
You’re gonna be pretty angry that you spent so much time and money preparing, gave up so much of your life – time with the kids, fun times others had while you stayed home and plugged away to build your “thing.”
It flops.
And, everything… EVERY THING you’ve worked so hard for… planned for… sacrificed for… seems to have been for nothing. NOT ONE single signup, sale, opt-in, whatever.
Well, now what?
Do you throw in the towel, say “forget it,” and shrink back to who and what you were before you started the journey?
Do you ACCEPT DEFEAT and let it OWN YOU… GIVING IN to the fear of feeling like you’re NOT ENOUGH… don’t have WHAT IT TAKES… that you HAVEN’T EARNED THE RIGHT to succeed?
Do you DECIDE RIGHT NOW that your worth and value truly aren’t decided in one instant… that you WON’T let one unsuccessful project knock you down? Do you decide that you do have ridiculous value and WILL plug away HOWEVER, WHENEVER, AS OFTEN AS IT TAKES to SUCCESS, because you believe – YOU KNOW – that YOU ROCK, IT rock, and there IS A WAY?
Yes, you will feel the disappointment. Allow yourself to process it… IT’S REAL.
But, don’t get stuck there. Don’t let it define you.
Because, YOU? Aren’t IT!
And your VALUE? It isn’t in a program or project. You’re the sum of the people you spend the most time with, AND, you’re also the sum of the actions you take.
You want to be a QUITTER… a FAILURE?
Then fail once and quit. The End.
If you want to be successful and forge ahead regardless of the speed bumps, then just do it.
Take a moment, look at the disappointment for what it is and NO MORE THAN THAT.
Blaze ahead… FULL FORCE… on to the next adventure.
Because you’ll never bear the fruits if you don’t do the labor, and you’ll never feel the wind in your face if you don’t hit the accelerator.
So, turn the ignition switch again, push down on the pedal, and start cruisin,’ baby!
The NEXT ROAD you take could be the one TO SUCCESS.
cheryl says
I really enjoyed this, and agree completely. We are not the IT!
Also, love the ending. I’m a total fast car, and dirt bike girl myself, so it speaks my language.
Debbie says
Love that you’re a speed chick too! Thanks for the kind words. Time to keep blazing the path forward.
Brittany says
Love it! We all experience failure after giving it 100%, but it is not until we give up that our failure becomes final. Great words of wisdom.
Debbie says
Thank you so much for the comment. Glad you enjoyed the message. It was definitely itching to get out. 😉
– Debbie
Kristin says
Yes! I try to think of failure as an opportunity – to learn, to grow, and to jump into something new. Great post!!
Terrie says
Love this! I so want to feel the wind in my face!
Kate J Parker says
I can definitely relate to this. Failure is just a ‘story’ we convince ourselves is true. However, it isn’t the absolute truth!