We’ve questioned our strength for too long… allowed it to be covered by a candy-coated layer of fakeness where we tried to play some sweet little nice girl that everyone could love and adore, and who wouldn’t make waves.
We tried to hide our light – our power – our true voices, because we were afraid of it and felt bad for those who felt threatened by our truth, our presence, our boldness, our courage, our ability to love deeply, play hard, sweat hard, persevere, and show up every. Single. Day.
Even when we were bruised, battered, scarred, sore from the fight. WE. SHOWED.UP.
But, it never felt quite right.
We didn’t fit in. It hurt.
We feel so deeply and have just wanted to be heard, understood, accepted for the amazing ball of fire that we are.
Our energy, our power is understood by so few… only those among us, and those who truly love us, actually GET IT.
They see our hearts, our spirits, our power, and how we are capable of changing the world just by being us. That’s right… you CAN be YOU and also BE LOVED.
I’ve just unleashed my true soul, understood my real passion and purpose, decided to embrace who I really am. And it’s one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had… birthing the true soul, allowing it to come out into the open, into the sunshine that it’s been starving for years to feel.
That’s what it’s all about.
Free from emotional oppression, free from the want of fitting in, being “normal” or “average” so you didn’t always make a scene, or draw criticism, or feel like something was wrong with you.
Here’s the BIG SECRET: There’s not a single thing wrong with you! There never has been.
You are beautiful, and perfect, and honest, and loving, and loyal, and powerful, and a leader… a trailblazer.
Those of us who blaze the path sometimes get burned, or scraped, cut or bruised by clearing away the brush. But, the wounds heal and we continue moving forward, because that’s just WHO WE ARE.
Yes, you may have been afraid to admit it until now, but you would rather die than not lead, not feel deeply, not love with all of your heart, not heal and empower others that way you know you can.
But with this also comes the FREEDOM to create your own rules. To lead by example. To never accept the status quo as acceptable. To be FREE to speak your truth, embrace your power and empower others to do the same in the process.
Your freedom IS A MOVEMENT… You are freeing others from their self-imposed prison of trying to dull their light, power, purpose and success.
It’s beyond time to step up, and today is the day.
Are you ready to soar?
Sending you strength and love from one Strong Woman to another.
P.S.- Keep your eye out for a BOLD program for strong women that will be launching October 26th.
If you already know that, hell yes, I’m ready to OWN MY POWER… to step up and be the leader I’ve always known I was born to be, message me via Facebook Messenger, or keep an eye out for program details.
And, if you’re not already a Trailblazing Leader, join the free group today so you can finally start playing the game of life at the level you deserve.
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