We’ve questioned our strength for too long… allowed it to be covered by a candy-coated layer of … [Read more...]
latest from the Blog

Let go to get UNSTUCK and UNLEASH
Go ahead... have your little breakdown. Yes, it’s tough some days, excruciating on other days, and … [Read more...]

Doubters, naysayers and other gifts
They told you that you couldn’t do it. They doubted you before you even made a single … [Read more...]

Let go and SOAR – in business, blogging and life
You know that moment when you launch your big thing? When all the endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin … [Read more...]

Why you need to show up every. single. day.
You don’t have to have all the bells and whistles with a totally polished social media and online … [Read more...]

Are you being the change or perpetuating the problem?
I wrote this post five years ago on my social media page, and it still holds true today: “I am a … [Read more...]