Do you self-sabotage?
Do you wait until everything is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT before taking action?
Do you get stuck in the details, so much so, that you NEVER actually take ANY ACTION at all?
Or, maybe you’re so busy working on the little things that THAT ONE BIG THING… you know, the big dream that you’ve been working on FOR-EV-ER… never progresses any further?
Maybe, you’re a little different and just keep putting off that dream because you need to wait until you HAVE MORE TIME, or MAKE MORE MONEY, or research it to ABSOLUTE DEATH. Yes, DEATH. Because, you know and I know that you’ll just put it off until it just nrever becomes reality. The ship sails, and you’re back on the dock waving for it to come back and get you.
Or…. Maybe, you’re taking really tiny little steps that you think are progress, but which actually keep you from the REAL PURPOSE you were brought here to do. Small, barely significant action that you take, because you lie to yourself that any progress is TRUE PROGRESS.
That’s what it looks like when you self-sabotage… all disguised in a pretty little “I can’t because…” package.
The REAL because?
FEAR. F-E-A-R… fear. The big, fat, four-letter F-word.
Have you heard its voice? It whispers, oh so quietly in your head.
“You’re not THAT smart, so you will never be THAT successful.”
“Who do you think you are? People will see right through you and KNOW YOU’RE A FAKE.”
“You don’t REALLY believe it either, so you might as well not go all the way i so you have a leg to stand on when it FAILS!”
And if you listen, it wins.
But if you don’t? If you push forward DESPITE its convincing tone… convincing words? And, especially if you do it when you have a moment of weakness in your faith, belief, or strength in your own journey?
Buckle up, because the ride is amazing.
The power of breaking through to real success when you’ve been down… out… exhausted… absolutely. At. Your. Last. Straw?
It’s beyond ANYTHING you’ve ever known!
So, don’t let fear win. Plug forward one step at a time, even if you can’t see where your foot is gonna land. Because it WILL land… and there’s a very high likelihood that it will be on solid ground.
At that point, you’ll realize you CAN BE stronger than fear. YOU ARE stronger than fear.
And then, YOU WIN.
It’s easy to hide behind a computer and so hard to step out and be real. How very inspiring! Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words. The stepping out and being real part is where I’ve had to muster up the most energy, but it’s so well worth it.
Awesome! I have to admit, I self-sabotage. I loved this post. I felt like you were talking directly to me.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am so happy the message spoke to you. This was a biggie for me to overcome too, and it’s still requires daily reminders. Hahaha