The biggest battle you will EVER fight is with YOURSELF.
It’s the dichotomy of life – the two sides, two opposites.
One side of you KNOWS you were put on this earth to make a real difference. To be outstanding… amazing… the leader of a movement… successful… wealthy beyond measure… all of that and so much more!
The other side of you, though.
That’s where the rubber absolutely meets the road, baby.
That’s the side where you’ve operated for way too long.
THAT side absolutely loves the comfort of being able to take the day off whenever you want, connect with “normal” people, have something in common to talk about at parties: job sucks, overworked, never enough time, husband doesn’t understand you or help enough, etc.
Even though the conversations bore you and suck the life out of your soul, you still, somehow, feel that longing to “fit in” with the others who are content being normal, settling for less… unhappy.
That part of you is coupled with the FEAR component.
I mean, honestly, if you were 1,000% real with yourself RIGHT HERE AND NOW, you would own up to the fact that THIS side of you is just AFRAID.
Afraid that if you do fully step into and FULLY OWN your power, you WILL PROVE to yourself and everyone else that you CAN ACTUALLY SUCCEED.
Then what?
Then the standards have been raised. You can’t “pretend” to play small anymore. You can’t HIDE among the normal, average, “fitting in” crowd anymore, can you? You can’t EVER AGAIN use the excuse that, well… you just can’t.
Because you’ve actually, finally PROVEN you can.
You would have to take FULL OWNERSHIP in front of the world for the power you’ve unleashed, totally committing to BEING that person that you’ve always really been, but have snuffed out for too long.
And, let’s keep being honest here, okay?
That POWER scares you – a lot. It has cost relationships (with people who were playing too small themselves to hang around), jobs (that made no impact and sucked the real soul and life out of you), money (because you gave it up to keep playing in the baby pool), your health (because you self-medicated with bad food, drugs, alcohol or other forms of toxic behavior), and more.
Ultimately, though… the REAL COST has been your life.
Look around you.
How’s that working out for you?
Has it all led you to a perfect, fulfilling, amazing life?
You’re getting younger and have all the time in the world, right?
You’ve been willing to SELL YOUR SOUL in exchange for fear and fitting in – or more accurately, fear of being totally rejected for WHO YOU ARE. Of just not being… enough.
It’s not pretty. No one wants to hear it. I don’t like having to say it.
But, guess what?
I’ve lived it too.
And you know what happens?
Every time I’ve tried to pretend my message wasn’t valuable and didn’t need to be heard, something shook the whole foundation and the fire unleashed to the point that I just couldn’t NOT share it with you.
My heart bleeds every time I think of you, sitting there, in your unfulfilling life, wondering why, AGAIN, you didn’t step up. FULLY. As who you are.
Your mission IS NOT SMALL.
Your impact IS NOT SMALL.
What you feel and say matters to so many, and they are waiting for you to release them from their agony.
So, the real question is: When is the pain of NOT being who you are finally ENOUGH to get you to step into who you TRULY ARE? How far in debt do you have to go… how many moments do you have to miss out on… how many lives will you NOT HELP, because you just felt more comfortable playing small?
Passionate, powerful, impactful, profitable, fulfilled, and totally abundant.
That’s all already yours. You just have to be willing to finally step up and claim it… OWN that you… yes, YOU are a powerful one. You can, and yes YOU WILL, do it.
That’s the battle right there… shedding the armor, dropping the guns, and winning it with nothing else left to fight with but your heart. Your vulnerability. Your raw, real self.
Because, in the end, your heart and soul are all that you really have to fight with anyway. They are your real power. The rest is just weighing you down and keeping you from moving forward. It’s not real power.
But, you already knew that too, didn’t you? Your real power is in revealing all the parts of you that you’ve tried to hide. That scare you. That you’ve judged yourself to the ends of the earth for. Let that all go, let it out, and you will WIN THE BATTLE.
Now is the time to step up. To own all that you are and were brought here to do. Because, no… you’re not getting younger, and your chance to make your impact – YOUR LEGACY – is running out.
Which side of the battlefield are you going to choose?
The world needs more leaders. Join the movement.
PS- If you’re FINALLY READY to take the leap and turn your passion into your power and profit, message me today. We’ll get you fully stepping up and into the LEADER that you are so you can finally live the life you were BORN TO LIVE.
We’ll go very deep, UNCOMFORTABLY DEEP, and create a map for you to live your ultimate dream life.
Whoah. Wow. WOWZA. I so needed this today. Thank you for the kick in the pants!!!
So glad it inspired you. You should see the bruise it left on me! Hahahahah
With love,